Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Homemade Watermelon Popsicle 西瓜雪條做法

Watermelon Popsicle Instructions:


材料:西瓜(榨汁)              1/4個
雪條模                    數個
砂糖*                      適量(隨個人口味加減或略去)

Ingredients:Watermelon (juiced)    1/4 of a Whole Watermelon
Popsicle Molds             A few
Sugar*                          To taste (skip it if it is sweet enough)


1. 將西瓜去籽切粒,用飲品攪拌器將西瓜肉打至滑身.
Seeded and cubed the melon, then puree it with a blender.

2. 將西瓜蓉過篩倒入大碗中.
Strain the puree into a large bowl with a strainer.

3. 將篩拉起,直至所有西瓜汁過濾到大碗中.(注意:不要在篩面按壓西瓜蓉,避免西瓜蓉跌入碗中)
Lift the strainer, wait until all the juice strain through. (Attention: DO NOT press the puree on the strainer, avoid any puree fall into the bowl)

4. 將雪條棒放入雪條模,用量杯把西瓜汁注滿雪條模.
Place the Popsicle sticks into the molds. Fill the molds with juice using a measuring cup.

5. 將雪條模放入冰箱,冷藏至少4小時(冷藏一晚更佳),凝固後即可食用.
Put the molds into the freezer, wait for at least 4 hours to let it frozen (overnight is better) and serve.

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